Make Things Better
Here we are in June already. The weather looks good as far as we can see, the strawberries should be getting ready this week and hay should be getting cut and baled soon. Sorry for [...]
Ways to Help With Your Blood Pressure
Here are 13 ways to improve your blood pressure. Many of these we have reviewed as good for general health, too. Maybe this is a list EVERYONE should work on. Things will cool off a [...]
Protein Powders
Here is a nice article on supplementing with protein powders. Always try to get protein from whole food sources first, when you can't then go to protein supplements. The RDA for protein is laughingly low, [...]
Recommended Good Carbs
10 Carbs You Need in Your Diet, According to a Dietitian By Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD Published on April 24, 2023 Medically reviewed by Elizabeth Barnes, RD Although carbohydrates get a bad rap for causing [...]
The CrossFit Methodology
This is a superb article on the basics of what CrossFit is and how it ties together. I'd like to re-empahsize the pyramid with nutrition at its foundation of building an athlete. Remember, you are [...]
Here Comes The Sun
Looks like we may see Spring after all. Some sunny warm weather is forecast for the second half of this week and into the next. (It's about time!) And the sun's getting up a [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of athlete and achieve your fitness goals