Exercise Has Lasting Effects- Up to 2 Weeks
Today I am sharing a new article explaining a Finnish study that shows exercise has lasting effects up to 15 days later. It "positively influences the way brain regions interact". This was done with both [...]
Your October WODs Start Now
Starting on Monday you will start seeing the WODs all the members submitted as their favorites. Not all of you have the same idea of what a "favorite" is. Some were Girl WODs, some were [...]
Good Weather Ahead, Unlike Florida
It's nice to have a good forecast for the next two weeks unlike other parts of the country where hurricanes, tornadoes and sweltering heat are the norm. We do have it nice here even with [...]
Fall Has Arrived
We had our first day of fall today and the morning was brisk even at 8 am for the POKER WOD. The next couple weeks look decent with 70-75 and sunny most days but the [...]
Level Tests Continue
We will continue with the Level test this coming week and see how we measure up on the board. If you missed any tests last week try to get them done this week or the [...]
Labor Day Weekend
The gym is closed for the weekend but that doesn't mean you can't get your FIT ON. Brooke tossed out a challenge for everyone to work on this weekend. Each day get 3,000 meters and [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of athlete and achieve your fitness goals