Happy New Year
Welcome to 2025. It's that time of year again when lots of resolutions get made and statically fail before the end of the month. But we are not going to fall into that trap, right??!! [...]
Merry Christmas
Christmas is just a couple days away but we still have a couple more workouts to fit in and an adjusted schedule for the next couple weeks so follow closely. Monday 12/23 regular schedule, 5am, [...]
Countdown To Christmas
Ten days to Christmas and I still have shopping and decorating to do. Who else could use an assistant elf this time of year? Well at least you don't have to worry about what to [...]
Gift Exchange This Wednesday
This Wednesday, Dec 11, we will meet at Third Avenue Restaurant from 5 to 7 pm for our Annual Christmas Gift Exchange. Suggested price is $15-20 Spouses and friends are invited too and can participate [...]
Any Turkey Left Over?
I hope you enjoyed a great Thanksgiving and had fun visiting friends and family. December brings a new perspective, lights, decorations, gifts and more time with family and friends. Mark your calendars for December 11th [...]
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We have a short week for the Holiday this week. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday will be regular class times. Thursday, Thanksgiving, will be the Annual Turkey Trot at 7 am. 5K Run, walk or Row, [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of athlete and achieve your fitness goals