

Here Comes August

We will finish up July this week on box jumps and lunge work then move into August with Pushup focus.  Expect to work on strict form, keep those elbows close to the ribs and make [...]

Rodeo Tonight and SummerFest Next Saturday

Dust off those boots and head to the rodeo tonight, Saturday and have a great time.  Broncs, bulls, calves, cowboys and cowgirls, Rodeo Queens and bull dogging champs all in one place.  Yeehaww. I am [...]

How About a Nice Snack?

Below is a nice article with some healthy snacks.  The best way to stay on this is to be prepared when you buy groceries.  Stick to your list and don't get tempted to buy unhealthy [...]

Heat Wave and Hydration

Yes it's hot.  Even this morning for the Poker WOD it was in the 70s already.  The article below is a quick read but insightful for monitoring your rehydration levels.  Give it a read and [...]


This will be a busy week both at the gym and around town.  The gym will be closed on July 4th, Thursday and we encourage you to join in the Stayton Fun Run put on [...]

How Do You Like Your Eggs?

Summer is here and the forecast looks good the next couple weeks so don't be surprised if we throw in some extra outdoor activities, run, lunges, tire flips, a 5k perhaps? There is a sign [...]

Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of athlete and achieve your fitness goals

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