Daylight Savings Time
Did you remember to set your clocks forward last night? Time to go through the house and get all those time pieces set to the correct time. Just for a little trivia to show how [...]
CrossFit Open WOD 25.2 Up Next
The second of the three Open Workouts will be announced this Thursday. Get ready for another challenging session and see how you compare to the rest of the world. We may not be going to [...]
CrossFit Open Starts This Week
The CrossFit Open begins this week to kick off the process of finding the Fittest in The World. This process begins now and will whittle away at the list until the last 40 women and [...]
Happy Valentine’s Day and President’s Day
It appears that Ice Station Zebra has run its course for now. I see 40+ degree mornings, rain and some 50-60 degree highs in our future. Should I fire up the A/C? Or maybe not [...]
Super Bowl Weekend
This is the weekend that football fans live for. Philadelphia Eagles are matched up against the Kansas City Chiefs. The last time these teams met for a Super Bowl the Chiefs won it with a [...]
February begins with snow?
Sounds like the weather may drop some flakes on us this coming week. My guess is it won't amount to anything. It'll be warm enough to just be slushy at the most. Anyone else have [...]
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