Rule 1- Work hard- this goes without saying that you won’t get results unless you push yourself.  Fire up that little furnace in the pit of your stomach and push through when you fatigue.  Stop grab a couple breaths then get back into the workout and push yourself to improve a little bit each week.  1% gain each week is a 50% improvement over the year.

Rule 2- Use Good Form- Safety is critical and using good form will keep you safe, advance you quicker, balance your progress and keep you more efficient in you movement.  Start being conscious of your form when tired and if necessary slow up to maintain proper movement.  It will pay off in the end.  Going fast and sloppy is a recipe for injury.

Rule 3- Make Smart Decisions- Should you really add that extra 10 lb if you just failed the lift?  Maybe you should go fast and sloppy and risk injury.  Slower, stronger and precise controlled movements will benefit you more than showing how fast you can go.  On the COVID side- if you are ill, feverish etc be smart and stay home.  If you are run down and really need the rest, stay home.  Be smart and don’t guilt yourself over it.

Rule 4- Eat Well- here is the list again- Lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO sugar.  Eat amounts to sustain weight and performance but not to excess.  (Corn, potatoes, rice, grains -breads and pastas are all STARCH) Keep them to a minimum.  Corn is NOT a vegetable.

Rule 5. Rest Well- target 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  Keep a cool room, little to no light and have a routine to settle you into it.  No screen time 1 hour before bed and especially not in bed.  Naps are a plus during the day.  Shut off the TV/laptop/ipad/phone.  Read a book.

Rule 6- Have Fun- Enjoy the workouts- find a game to make of it.  See if you can keep up with the person next to you.  Brag about your accomplishments to friends and family.  Come in warm up, socialize, see what’s new and feel good about taking care of yourself.

Rule 7- Help Others- If you finish first in the workout, your job is not to clean up.  It’s to turn around and cheer everyone else on.  Help them get through it.  Then when it’s done and they are exhausted you can help them with their clean up.  Be supportive of each other and encourage them whenever you can.  We are all fighting demons in our lives that no one else knows about, at least be nice and help them.

Rule 8- Be the Rabbit/Be the Fox- whether you are behind or ahead use the analogy to motivate yourself.  Not for cut throat competition but to help you push a little more, if you are the fox push a little harder to catch the rabbit ahead of you.  If you are the rabbit in front and hear foot steps behind you, use that to push a little harder to stay ahead.

Rule 9- Be Mobile and Agile- stretching, foam roll etc are all good things to help keep you limber and move better.  We all need to spend some time at home doing more of this.  You can also do more active recovery at home on rest days to help, too.  Walk, run, bike, hike, swim, play with kids/grandkids/great?.

Rule 10- Train For Life- I don’t know of anyone here that is going to make to the CrossFit Games.  We are all trying to stay healthy for a better life.  A longer life.  A longer life that we can enjoy.  Keep that in mind when you have a bad workout. It’s just one.  And it won’t undermine you.  Keep after it.  Use the CrossFit program to better yourself so you can do the things you love.  Maybe you love to hunt and need to be in shape to hike out, bag an elk and THEN pack it back out.  You may want to go kayaking with friends.  May you want to take on a 1/2 or full marathon.  Mountain biking, skiing, motocross, baseball, softball, basketball or anything you enjoy you can use this program to help you do this farther into your years.


SCHEDULE THIS WEEK- MONDAY CLOSED    Tuesday-Friday 5 am, 6 am, 4:30 pm.  Saturday 7 am

HOME WORKOUTS- EMOM, POKER, TABATA PLUS, run/pushup/situp, burpee/squats

GYM WORKOUTS- POKER, Clean&Jerk, run/pushup couplet, jump rope/front squat duet, squat/burpee/situp trio

Cashew Orange Chicken

For the perfect combination of sweet and salty, this dish has it all — healthy protein, heart healthy fats, and lots of vitamins and minerals.
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine Paleo
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 410 kcal


  • 2 cup pineapple juice
  • Juice and zest of 2 oranges
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Paleo fish sauce
  • 1 1/2 pounds chicken breast cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 4 cups cauliflower rice
  • 4 green onions sliced
  • 1/2 cup roasted cashews
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.

  2. Put the pineapple juice, orange juice and zest, coconut sugar, and fish sauce in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and reduce to a low simmer. Simmer for 15 minutes, until reduced to a thick syrup. Remove from heat. Add the chicken pieces and coat well.
  3. Dredge the coated chicken pieces with the almond flour and transfer to baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until chicken is cooked through.
  4. While the chicken is baking, steam the cauliflower rice with the green onions until tender and then stir in the cashews.
  5. Top the cauliflower rice with the chicken and serve.


3,2,1 GO!!!