It’s not easy doing this on your own.  That’s why we usually get together and support each other face to face and recognize we aren’t the only ones suffering, pushing, struggling but still improving.  Here are a few notes to help you hit that workout each day.

1. WHY are you doing this?  We all have different reasons for working out.  What is your “why”?  To fit into those jeans, to get stronger, to lose weight, to be able to run a 5K, to be able to play with the kids/grandkids…   These are all fine but they are kind of the top layer.  Look deeper into yourself and find the real reason underneath.  Ask your why do I want to lose weight? And keep digging after that.  In this exercise you could ask “why” 2-5 times before you got to the root “why” for doing this.  Explore why you are doing this and remind yourself of the benefits you will get out of it.  Some are short term, some are long term.  Revisit this exercise as you need it but keep that “WHY” out in front of you and keep chasing it.
2. Now you have the WHY, let’s look at the HOW.  If you want to say, lose 10 lb, let’s put a schedule together that say you will lose 1 pound a week for 10 weeks.  What do you have to do to get there?  Let’s say you need to workout 4 times a week, eat clean 90% of the time and get 7-8 hours of sleep to do it.  So start tracking your daily progress, Use that schedule to make appointments that are not negotiable.  You hold yourself accountable to work out Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri at 5 am without any excuses.  Make those appointments with yourself and maintain them.
3. Partner Up with a friend or coach for support.  Hold each other accountable,  Check in daily to make yourself responsible for getting it done.  And if you are the partner don’t let your friend fall into procrastinating either.  Push each other, ask for help, be accountable to each other.
4. Try new things.  The workouts are different each day but you can venture out to get even more variety if needed.  Yoga, zumba, Tae Bo etc, maybe just a run/walk/bike today is all you need and just refresh you from the WODs.
5.  If you have a favorite workout that keeps you coming back try doing that when you are struggling to do one you just don’t like.
6. Keep your short term and long term goals in mind as above.  Those short term daily workouts will add up over time like building brick walls you have to put in the daily work to get the long term benefit.  All of a sudden you this brick house built that is going to stand up to anything.  Keep after it.
7.  Get Competitive- with yourself or with others.  How many workouts did you do that you scheduled?  Were you at 100% or only 50%?  Did you go hard on the workout and keep up with your partner?  Did you beat your last time on this workout?  Did you feel good about it?  Did you push and give all you could?  Great, give yourself credit for the work no matter what the score.  Take the wins and build on them.
I am always around for some help on this.  Text/call/email if you need some help with this.
[email protected], 503-510-4656
I will continue doing the Zoom Coffee Conference call at 9:30 am Monday – Friday.  This should be a regular topic if you need it.  The link is
WODs this week- BURPEES (yay), Jsquats/pushups/mtnclimbers/situps, burpees/run, ANNIE, Isometric HOLDS, Sprint 400m, Run 5K
Schedule- ZOOM Coffee Conference 9:30 am Monday-Friday. Sunday 5k at 7 am at Stayton High Gym.  The WODs are available on the website and Facebook by 5 am each day Monday-Saturday.  Pick a time to workout and stick to a regular schedule.

Almond Butter Banana Sweet Potato Toast

You can toast up more than bread, as is proven by this easy recipe. If you have a toaster oven, it is perfect for this recipe.
 Course Breakfast, Snack 
 Cuisine Paleo 
 Total Time 20 minutes
 Servings 2
 Calories 212 kcal


  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 ripened banana
  • 2 tablespoons creamy almond butter
  • Coarse sea salt


  1. Slice the sweet potato into 1/4 inch slices. Toast, either in a toaster oven or toaster until lightly browned.
  2. In a small bowl, mash the banana with the almond butter. Spread on the toast and serve.
    3,2,1 GO!!!