As of June 24th The Governor has mandated that masks are to be worn at indoor public places.  This had us concerned about how we were going to manage that requirement.  Can we move the workouts outside?  Can we find a decent mask that would allow us to work out without suffocating us?  Or can we just open all the doors and windows and call it an outdoor work out?  Kinda pushing our luck with that one.  Well, I was patient.  Maybe I just procrastinated.  Either way it worked out for the better.  I was copied on some of the specifics on the Governor’s order and the masks are not required when involved in heavy activity such as exercise.

Everyone has been doing a great job keeping their distance and sanitizing as we move through the class.  Thanks for all your help.  Our goal is to protect each and maintain our health.  (I am still of the opinion that we all need to, or will get it sooner or later but what do I know.)  In protecting our health we will continue with the program we have, I will try to move some of the work outs outdoors, limit partner work outs and watch for options that we can use.  I am continuing with the HOME workouts for those who are limited to getting to the gym.  If you haven’t tried this, it’s a No Equipment workout that is posted each day and you can work it into your schedule and do them at home.  Let me know if you want to try this option, it has worked well during the full lock down for quite a few people.

Oh yeah, it’s Father’s Day.  If you forgot and didn’t get Dad anything you can give him a gym membership!  It’s the perfect gift!  Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there.  Enjoy your day!

HOME workouts- pushups/squats/situps/lunges, POKER, Run/Tabata/Run, squat/situp/penguin triplet, Run/situp couplet and max efforts on pushups and squats

GYM Workouts- DEADLIFT, VORTEXX, POKER, JUMP ROPE, pushup/thruster duo, Sprint/OH squat duo.

Schedule- Monday-Friday 5 am, 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm.  Saturday at 7 am.

Taco Scramble

Turn your Taco Tuesday into breakfast with this fast and easy breakfast scramble. It comes together in minutes, is full of flavor and will keep you full until lunchtime.
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine Paleo
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 352 kcal


  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 eggs beaten
  • Toppings: Shredded lettuce salsa, diced avocado


  1. Cook the ground beef with the seasonings in a medium skillet until no longer pink. Add the eggs and scramble.
  2. To serve, divide between two plates and add your favorite Paleo toppings.

Happy Father’s Day


3,2,1, GO!!!