Before you come to the gym this week, sit down and come up with your top 3 goals you want to work on.  “Lose weight” is not specific enough.  “I want to be at 155 lb by October 1” is more specific and gives a time frame.  Maybe getting that first pullup, losing 10 lb, running a 5k.  Let’s get you a list to work on very specific to motivate you.  I can keep throwing burpees at you every day but if it’s not your goal to be a burpee master it’s misplaced.  It’s still good for overall health but not necessarily helpful to your specific goal of pullups for instance.  So when you are done reading this blog, get a pen and paper and sit down and come up with 3 goals you want to work on.  You came up with 12 or 15 items to start with but then take a look at the whole list and see what excites or motivates you.   Maybe you have a cruise you want to go on (doubtful with Corona, but play along with me), and want to be 15 lb lighter for it.  You have a goal and a set time frame to motivate you.   Get that on your list and we will work backwards from the due date and see what you need to do and be responsible for each week between now and then and give you the road map to get there.  Okay, go get the pen and paper and get to work……

HOME WORKOUTS- POKER, squat/run, 1 Mile run, Death by Situp, penguin/j jacks/hollow rocks, burpees/situps/lunges

WODs- GRACE, POKER, run/kbell/pullup triplet, snatch/jump rope duo, pullup/pushup/toes to bar fun, FIGHT GONE BAD

Schedule- Monday-Friday 5 am, 4:30 and 5:30 pm.  Saturday at 7 a

Taco Scramble

Turn your Taco Tuesday into breakfast with this fast and easy breakfast scramble. It comes together in minutes, is full of flavor and will keep you full until lunchtime.
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine Paleo
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 352 kcal


  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 eggs beaten
  • Toppings: Shredded lettuce salsa, diced avocado


  1. Cook the ground beef with the seasonings in a medium skillet until no longer pink. Add the eggs and scramble.
  2. To serve, divide between two plates and add your favorite Paleo toppings.



3,2,1 GO!