The Governor has mandated a 2 week closure of gyms and other businesses to slow the spread of COVID.  So Tuesday will be our last day open.  We will be closed starting November 18 to December 1.  I expect it is going to get extended past that but we will have to see if that happens.  Soooo we will go back to working with HOME WODs to keep you moving and working on mainly body weight movements and some running and jump rope work.  These will be posted on the website and on Facebook page CF 5X5 Die Hards.  Let me know if you can’t access the facebook page and I will help you.  This FB page will be the spot to POST YOUR SCORES for each of the HOME WODs.  If you don’t know what any of the movements are you can usually google it or text me at 503-510-4656 and I can walk you through it.  Adjust any of the moves for injury or lack of equipment.  You can check out equipment this Monday or Tuesday at the 5 am or 4:30 pm classes with Chelsea and Heidi.  If you need to come at different time to get some equipment make an appointment with me.  If the closures continue into December we will adjust the monthly fees to $75 the same as we did last spring.  If you have any questions you can email, text or call me.

MY HEALTH UPDATE-  I had the first chemo therapy treatment on Friday for my B cell Lymphoma tumor.  It’s in my abdomen about the size of a piece of paper and varies in depth.  Treatment was about 8 hours, a little tingling during the procedure but no nausea or other side effects.  Saturday was getting used to hydrating often, eating more smaller meals and tracking medications.  A little nausea but a couple pills took care of that.  Trying to rest as much as possible until I can ascertain what I am capable of.  I am eating more often but smaller meals and cutting out as all the sugar I can, cancer feeds on sugar so I am trying to starve it.  (That’s added sugar, I still eat fruit and other natural sugar)  Got me on steroids too and I can see I am getting ripped already. 😉

The total plan for treatment is 6 cycles of 21 days for a total of 126 days or about 4 months.  The first day of each cycle is “chemo day” and the expected low point days are at 10-14 days into the cycle. That will hit next weekend.  It will be clear into February before I finish treatment.

Schedule for the week-  MONDAY and TUESDAY  5 am and 4:30 pm.  Equipment checkout at same times or by appointment.

HOME WODs this week- Pushups/jumping jacks/situps, supermoms/tuck jumps/plank hold, V ups/chair dips/mountain climbers, RUN, Jumping jacks/jump squats/pushups and run/burpee tuck jumps.


Chocolate Ice Cream

Creamy and decadent, this proves you don’t have to give up ice cream to eat a healthy diet.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Paleo
Freezing Time 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 30 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 459 kcal


  • 2 cans full-fat coconut milk, refrigerated overnight or 1 can coconut cream
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extra
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


  1. Open the cans of coconut milk and remove the cream that has formed at the top, leaving the liquid. Add it to a blender.
  2. In a small saucepan, combine the honey, cocoa, coconut oil, vanilla, and salt. Heat on low and whisk until smooth. Turn off heat, let cool slightly, and add to the blender with the cream.
  3. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Transfer this mixture to an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to churn and transfer to freezer.
  5. Freeze for several hours before serving.


3,2,1 GO