This is from the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

“Remember that to change your mind and to follow someone’s correction are consistent with a free will. For the action is yours alone–to fulfill its purpose in keeping with your impulse and judgement, and yes, with your intelligence.”  Marcus Aurelius, Mediations 8.16

When you set your mind to a task, do you always follow through?  It’s an impressive feat if you do.  But don’t let yourself become a prisoner of that kind of determination.  That asset might become a liability someday.

Conditions change.  New facts come in.  Circumstances arise.  If you can’t adapt to them– if you simply proceed onward, unable to adjust according to this additional information–you are no better than a robot.  The point is not to have an iron will, but an adaptable will– a will that makes full use of reason to clarify perception, impulse, and judgement to act effectively for the right purpose.

It’s not weak to change and adapt.  Flexibility is its own kind of strength.  In fact, this flexibility combined with strength is what will make us resilient and unstoppable


Schedule for the week- Monday-Friday 5am, 6 am, 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm  Saturday at 8 am

Workouts this week in order- Pullup/deadlift, push press/row, Partner up on burpee/pullups, situp/row, OVERHEAD SQUATS and KELLY on Saturday with scaled versions

This week’s Paleo recipe, add meat as you desire, but you may want to get to the grill before the weather change

Grilled Veggie Skewers

Summer veggies are grilled to charred perfection for an easy side dish to any gathering or everyday meal.
Course Appetizer, Side Dish
Cuisine Paleo, Vegetarian
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 100 kcal


  • 1 bell pepper cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 red onion cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 zucchini cut into bite sized pieces
  • 8 button mushrooms
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Thread the veggies onto skewers, brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  2. When ready to grill, preheat gas or charcoal grill to medium high heat. Grill until nicely charred and tender.
  3. Serve immediately.


3,2,1 GO!!!