The second of the three Open Workouts will be announced this Thursday.  Get ready for another challenging session and see how you compare to the rest of the world.  We may not be going to the games but we can still test our fitness and see how we manage compared to the elite guys and gals.  I am betting on jump rope and snatches this week.  What is your prediction?

Saturday brings around another HERO WOD at 7 am Saturday, be prepared.  They are always hard but you manage them well.

Schedule this week-  Monday-Friday 5am, 6am, 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm   Saturday 7 am HERO WOD and 8 am Poker


Workouts this week-  Open 25.2 starting Thursday night and all day Friday, HERO, POKER, row/pushup duo, BACK SQUATS, cleans/box jumps, wallball/situp


3,2,1 GO