Well the Open has begun and the Madness ensues.  Wall walks to start off the Open workouts was a tough challenge that blew up the shoulders, taxed the wrists and blasted the lungs and hearts.  Great job you guys.  Now here is an article that I am outright stealing/copying/borrowing/giving credit to CrossFit Invictus and Aggie Stern about shopping for healthy food.  There are a couple lists of items to purchase that you should copy and have with you whenever you go grocery shopping.  I couldn’t have said this better so I am just going to plant it right here…………


JERF: Just Eat Real Food
Written by Aggie Stern

JERF, Just Eat Real Foods. It is as simple or as complicated as you make it. I am a believer in simplifying and that will be the approach taken here.

Just Eat Real Foods. Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness coined the term and acronym JERF. What this means in this discussion is avoiding processed foods (including processed sugars) and focusing on shopping the perimeters of the grocery store. The desire is to have choices available when you open your refrigerator that keep you feeling your best. There are not “good” and “bad” foods when one PRIMARILY eats in a way to keep the engine going and keep inflammation down. “Primarily” is an important word here. Food is part of celebrations, cultures, movie nights, birthdays, etc. and restricting things so much that we give up some of our favorite foods is not what the goal is when living a healthy lifestyle. Moderation and balance are key.

It is worth noting however, that there are times when specific food groups are removed from a diet (oftentimes dairy or wheat) and people notice a positive change in their overall feeling (usually digestion or inflammation). This is a benefit that can come with restricting food groups, but not what we are talking about here.

Vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians, macro-counting or non-of-the-above can all benefit from Just Eating Real Foods. It is for everyone!

Where to start? Make a shopping list! Include lots of fruits and veggies (precut if that helps), grass-fed or hormone free meats and poultry and fresh wild caught  fish. Include full-fat grass-fed dairy products (less processing) and healthy unrefined oils such as coconut, avocado, and olive oil. Boom. You are ready to get started. If your great grandparents ate it, it’s probably golden.

What if you have a bar for breakfast and that works for you? Keep it up! The objective is not about being perfect. Any positive changes throughout the day are steps forward and chances are there are some nutritious things in your bar! If it is a donut…maybe switch it out for a bar. Do however, notice the ingredients in the bar. If it is a long list, consider trying Grubbars Bars (Use the code: Invictus for 15% off your 1st order!), Perfect Bars or Rx Bars (just 4 ingredients). Convenience is a real thing and most of us do not have time to overcomplicate dietary changes as much as we would like to. The intention is to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle that works for YOU.

Eat at home often. You will probably start liking the food you make more than restaurants. It’s easiest to avoid hidden dyes, pesticides, preservatives etc. when at home. Keep it simple by marinating enough for two meals and purchasing veggies that require little time to prepare.

Pay attention to the produce you are buying. I have included two lists of produce: The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen. While shopping, try to make a habit of purchasing organic items off of those listed under “The Dirty Dozen.” These lists have been made available by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) since 2004. They rank the pesticide contamination of 46 popular fruits and vegetables AFTER they have been washed and prepared to be eaten.

The Dirty Dozen

Buy organic: Strawberries, Spinach, Pears, Nectarines, Kale, Tomatoes, Apples, Peaches, Grapes, Celery, Cherries, Potatoes

The Clean Fifteen

Not as important to buy organic: Avocado, Cauliflower, Sweet Corn, Cantaloupes, Pineapple, Broccoli, Onion, Mushrooms, Papaya, Cabbage, Sweet Peas (frozen), Honeydew, Eggplant, Kiwi, Asparagus, Cabbage

To sum it up, the target here is to Just Eat Real Foods most of the time! When you don’t, it’s okay. That does not mean you need to “make up for it” the next day. Enjoy all of the whole, delicious, local foods we have available!

Schedule for the week- Monday-Friday 5 am, 6 am, 4:30 pm and Saturday at 7 am.  The OPEN WOD 21.2 will be on Friday.  It will be announced at 5 pm Thursday with a head to head competition between 2 elite athletes if you want to watch them.  Try Open.CrossFit.com

Home Workouts- POKER, Death By 30m, squat/situp/pushup, burpees/situps/lunges, squat/run and penguins/jump jacks/hollow rocks

GYM Workouts- POKER, OPEN 21.2, Vortexx, PUSH PRESS, front squats/ring dips, ROWLING

Ginger Turmeric Chicken Soup

This easy chicken soup is perfect when you’re feeling under the weather. Loaded with fresh ginger and turmeric, it’s full of healing ingredients that are sure to cure any ailments you have, while also being delicious.
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine AIP, Keto, Paleo
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 186 kcal


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion diced
  • 2 carrots diced
  • 3 stalks celery diced
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated turmeric or 1/2 teaspoon ground
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 4 cups bone broth
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste (omit pepper for AIP)


  1. Heat the oil in a heavy pot and add the onion, carrots, celery, and mushrooms. Cook until softened and add the ginger, turmeric, and garlic. Cook for another minute and add the broth. Bring to a boil, add the chicken breasts, and reduce to a simmer. Cook until chicken is cooked through, about 10 minutes, and remove from pot. Shred the chicken with two forks and add it back to the pot with the thyme, and cider vinegar.
  2. Simmer until heated through and serve immediately


3,2,1 GO!!