Dust off those boots and head to the rodeo tonight, Saturday and have a great time.  Broncs, bulls, calves, cowboys and cowgirls, Rodeo Queens and bull dogging champs all in one place.  Yeehaww.

I am going to switch the WODs on Monday and Saturday for a fresh perspective.  Monday will be Poker and Saturday will be Filthy Fifty.  You have to be prepared and adapt.

New shirts should deliver on Thursday.  That’s if the hurricanes and tornados don’t mess up FedEx or UPS.

SummerFest in downtown Stayton will be next Saturday July 27.  I will have a booth setup for the gym.  Vault Fitness is hosting a 5k walk/run at 9 am.  The street vendors and food booths will be open from 10 to 4.  There is a big boys toys exhibit and I think a car show.  Check the Stayton/Sublimity Chamber of Commerce website for all the details.

Here is a short article on the importance of sleep.  This is from one of my favorite podcasters, Peter Attia.


The importance of sleep

If I had to choose one to save, it would be sleep. Not even close.

read time < 1 minute

Here’s a Gedanken. Let’s say you eat well, you exercise regularly, and you get adequate sleep. I’m going to take one of these strengths of yours away. Either your diet, your exercise regimen, or your sleep is going down the toilet. There’s a catch: I’m allowing you to designate one of the three as untouchable. Which one do you guard?

If I had to choose one to save, it would be sleep. Not even close.

Take a look at this study done by Eve Van Cauter and her colleagues from 2012. Spoiler alert: four days of sleep restriction (4.5 hours of sleep/night) resulted in an insulin-resistant state in fat tissue in healthy adults. What this study lacked in size it makes up for reasonably in control. Would love to see this repeated over a longer period time, with more subjects, with less extreme sleep deprivation (e.g., maybe 5.5 to 6 hours/night), and with state-of-the-art sleep measurements to actually tie the physiologic changes to loss of sleep stage. I would especially like to see more about tissue-specific insulin resistance: in addition to fat tissue, what is going on at the skeletal muscle, and liver, in the short- and long-term when sleep is compromised?

On a related note, I flagged this article on blue light from a couple months ago to share. Cool piece on how and why more blue light is all around us and how it can mess with our circadian clocks. Some good tips on how to mitigate the damage in here as well.

– Peter


Schedule this week-   Monday-Friday 5am, 6am, 4:30 pm and 5:30pm  Saturday is 8 am with the Filthy Fifty

Workouts this week- POKER, Handstands/KB swings, RUN, ROWLING, Jump rope/Overhead squats, FILTHY FIFTY

Have a great time at the Rodeo and SummerFest


3,2,1 GO!!