I have a little writer’s block this week so I am going to ask you for some help.  What do you want to hear about?  What would you like to learn more of?  Do you want to learn how to get a pull up or muscle up?  What’s a good protein supplement?  When should I take a supplement?  What’s the best workout shoe?  Should I train to run a 5k/10k/half marathon?  How do I get over being sore?  Nutrition, recovery, sleep, workouts, exercise movements, goals, competitions, equipment, certifications, class schedule, social distancing, eating clean with a family, water intake are just a few topics to try to give you some help with.  Where are your sticking points?  What really keeps nagging at you to do better at?  What can I help you with? Sometimes it’s just expressing it out loud so you recognize what you need to do.  So sit down today and just let the list flow and write out as many things as you can think of that you have questions/concerns about.  Now take your top 3 and send them to me and we will move forward to addressing them.  I expect those replies sometime this week, but try to do it right away today while you are thinking about it, don’t get distracted.  (for me it’s procrastinating so I force time lines on myself like this).


WODs this week- Sprints, dips/front squats, run/wallball duet, CHIPPER, ANNIE, Max lb overhead

HOME WODs- Same list from April 20th week, Run/burpees, jump jacks/jump squats/pushups, run/walk, vups/dips/mtn climbers, pushup/squat/situp, supermom/tuck jumps/plank

Bacon and Asparagus Omelet

Tender asparagus pairs beautifully with bacon, and when wrapped up in a fluffy omelet, it makes breakfast that is healthy, nutritious and delicious.
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine Keto, Paleo
Keyword asparagus, omelet, primal, quick
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 348 kcal


  • 2 slices bacon diced
  • 5 stalks asparagus chopped
  • 3 eggs beaten
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Cook the bacon in a nonstick skillet and remove with a slotted spoon. Add the asparagus to the pan and cook until tender. Remove and add to the bacon, leaving as much fat behind as you can.
  2. Add the eggs and cook for a minute until the edges are set. Lift the edges carefully and let the liquid flow underneath the edges. Top with the bacon, asparagus and Parmesan. Carefully fold in half and continue cooking until eggs are done.
  3. Slide onto a plate and serve.

Don’t forget to send me a list of what you want to learn about or work on.


3,2,1 GO!!