There’s a little chill in the mornings now.  Days are getting shorter, nights a little longer.  It’s October today.  Time to add another layer of clothes in the morning and maybe another blanket at night.  Seasons change and we need to adjust for it.  Time to adjust our focus this month and bring back an old favorite of mine.  It’s lunge month so plan on getting some in EVERY day.  You have a choice of adding 3-5 lunges every day and get ready for those 400m of lunges at the end of the month.   This will also add a new dimension to your legs and glutes.  Lunges are just great for working on tight cheeks.  Maybe that’s all the incentive you need but they will strengthen your legs and core, too.  So go get some lunges in today, 3-5, and add some more every day so by the end of the month your daily counts will be 100-150 and give you a great base to take on the 400m lunge WOD.  It has a 12 minute cap so at the 6 minute mark we will reverse and try to make it back to the barn by the end of 12 minutes.  If you are looking for a little extra this month, start working on pushups, ring dips or pullups on a daily basis too.  Start with 1,2 or 3 and add some every day.  These are always great for the upper body.  Most of you will be able to slip them into your warm up anyway so start giving yourself credit for them  On Monday test yourself on how many you can do at the beginning of the month, then test again at the end of the month.  Here we go!


Schedule for the week-  Daily lunges, pushups, dips or pull ups.  Monday-Friday 5am, 6am, 4:30pm 5:30 pm   Saturday 8 am Poker

Workouts this week-POKER, handstand/cleans/toes to bar, push press/burpees, DEADLIFTS, Jump rope/run, Row/f squat/pullups triplet

See you at they gum!

3,2,1 GO!
