We had a great time with MURPH today and all the preparations paid off with some great work and impressive times on the workout.  Great job everybody, and sorry to those who couldn’t make it.  Maybe next year, (or sooner).

I have good news on my cancer treatment.  I had a PET Scan this week and results came back good.  Not recurrent activity with my lymphoma tumor.  I am in remission but will most likely have another scan in 6 months to stay on top of things.  I want to thank all of you for the support, prayers and good thoughts.  They do make a difference.  I especially want to than Chelsea and Heidi for all they have done to help me out.  They sacrificed a lot to help take care of you guys while I was gone so give them your thanks, too.  They are the best.

Next weekend is Memorial Day so the gym will be closed starting with Friday night classes and open back up on Tuesday 5/21 with morning classes.

The next weekend after that the gym will be closed on Saturday 6/1 so everyone can support the Hospital Fundraiser 3k,5k/10 run and 5k walk at 8:30 am.  Get signed up online at Santiam Hospital website.


Monday-Friday 5am, 6am, 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm. Except no PM classes on Friday and NO Saturday class for Memorial Day weekend.  Classes start up at 5 am Tuesday 5/21 with regular schedule.

WORKOUTS THIS WEEK- POKER, 100m sprints, wall balls/toes to bar, TABATA and ROWLING

See you at the gym!

3,2,1 GO!
