Back in August I had some noticeable swelling in my lower abdomen and got a doctor appointment to check it out.  With scheduling and everything else it took until September to get to see the doctor.  He ordered a CT Scan for early October.  He contacted me and sent me the CT technician’s notes on the scan.  It was described as “an extremely large tumor” in my abdomen 16x20x26cm which is about the size of a piece of paper and a couple inches thick.  Yup, that’s not good.  Tomorrow I am having a biopsy done on it to see what the diagnosis is.  Pretty sure it’s malignant (cancer) but even if it’s benign it has to be dealt with because it’s displacing the bladder and kidneys and starting to cause other issues, swelling, pain, kidney blockage etc.  I have already talked to an oncology surgeon and he is not recommending surgery.  It has encapsulated the main aorta and veins that feed the lower body and it is too complex and dangerous to safely try to cut it out.  When a “surgeon” doesn’t want to cut that tells me you better listen to him.  I expect radiation and/or chemo treatment so I am getting prepared for that plan.

Heidi and Chelsea are helping cover classes and I will still be at most of them as I can.  I may not be able to move or show you how the moves go but I will grab volunteers to help show best technique.  I appreciate your help on this.  I will take all the prayers I can get and I will get this group posted as more information is available.

HOME WORKOUTS- Run 5k, plank/broadjump/lunges/hollow rock session, squat/run duet, Deadlift, superman/tuck jump/plank hold triplet, RUN

GYM WORKOUTS- Run/front squat, BACK SQUAT, DEADLIFT, Wallball/snatch, ROW, Run/DB curls


Bacon and Asparagus Omelet

Tender asparagus pairs beautifully with bacon, and when wrapped up in a fluffy omelet, it makes breakfast that is healthy, nutritious and delicious.
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine Keto, Paleo
Keyword asparagus, omelet, primal, quick
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 348 kcal


  • 2 slices bacon diced
  • 5 stalks asparagus chopped
  • 3 eggs beaten
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Cook the bacon in a nonstick skillet and remove with a slotted spoon. Add the asparagus to the pan and cook until tender. Remove and add to the bacon, leaving as much fat behind as you can.
  2. Add the eggs and cook for a minute until the edges are set. Lift the edges carefully and let the liquid flow underneath the edges. Top with the bacon, asparagus and Parmesan. Carefully fold in half and continue cooking until eggs are done.
  3. Slide onto a plate and serve.


3,2,1 GO!!!