You know you have an inner voice right?  That little voice in your head that talks to you all the time and discusses how things are going, how you are doing, what can you do better, what you should have done different and on and on.  Being “aware” of that voice is your first step in managing it.  Let’s look at it in the time frame of working out in a hard WOD.  Your inner voice is talking to you and may be either positive or negative talk.  If you are struggling there is a tendency to let the voice focus on the negative.  “I can’t do this”, “It’s too hard”, “I suck”  Recognizing what your inner voice is telling you is the first step to awareness of the situation.  That negative self talk perpetuates itself into more and more “can’t do this” imaging.  You need to realize this is a “critic” in your head who is not helping you.  You need to use your “coaching” voice to  support your effort and find the “I can” aspects.  It may not be all sunshine but supportive at least.  “I know the burpees will be hard but I can get through them 5 at a time”  “I will get the run done this time without walking.  I can do this, just slow and steady”

Your coaching voice will productively try to improve your performance and keep giving you more tools to keep your inner voice in the positive mode.  You can have different voices within your head to help you stay positive.  You can be your own cheerleader.  “Great job, keep it going!”.  You can be a trainer with more technical support.  “Stay tight on pushups, chest to the ground, keep your core strong” or you can be your own coach voice.  “You are capable.  You are smart and fit and know how to do this”  So start listening to your inner voice and see what it’s telling you and when you start becoming aware of what you are telling yourself, use it to your advantage and build your strength of inner voice to be positive, supportive and maintain a “can do” approach.


SCHEDULE THIS WEEK-  Monday -Friday 5am, 6am, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm.  SATURDAY   7 AM HERO WOD, 8 AM POKER WOD

Workouts this week- HERO WOD at 7 am sharp.  POKER, mini CINDY, run/deadlift duo, rope/clean/box jump triplet, OH squat/pushup/snatch trio and Run/Row/Rope session


3,2,1 GO!